- The King is Coming
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Devotion by Derwin Gray
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. -Philippians 2:5–8.
This Advent series focuses on the coming of King Jesus. But you will find that he is not the typical king you might imagine. Instead of staying aloof on his throne room, Jesus came down to be with his people as a human being. We call this event the Incarnation. In what ways is it significant to you that God came to us as a person?
Jesus was born so that one day he could die for us. His sacrifice on the cross is our greatest gift—God’s presence on the tree, for us. What do you think of a God who loves you enough to rescue you from your sin?
How have you responded to his gift of forgiveness?
Gift-giving is a big part of Christmas celebrations. Sometimes, however, gifts can supersede the true focus of the holiday: the birth of Jesus. We can be tempted to enjoy the things God gives us more than we enjoy God himself. When have you found more joy in things than in God? What do you think is the remedy?
As Christians, we are called to act and think like Jesus. As we anticipate Christmas during this Advent season, consider the way Jesus served others. In what ways does Jesus’s humility inspire you to serve others?
What does service look like in your life right now?
Jesus—the Son of God, creator, sustainer, encourager—humbled himself to become a human being, to live among us, and to die for us in a humiliating fashion because of his great love for us. He is the ultimate gift from heaven, bringing life and joy to all who know him.