- Jesus: The Series (Season 8)
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This decision to become a Jesus follower, to “get saved,” and to become a Christian is not something that should be taken lightly. You may notice that at the end of every service I do my best to present the Gospel story. I do this because I could preach the whole Bible to you but none of it would matter unless you put your faith and trust in Christ. You can have knowledge “about God” and still not know Him. It’s important to understand that this time is not a prayer that we all pray at the end of every service and It’s not a prayer you pray every time you sin. It’s a call to the ones who have not yet put their faith in Christ Jesus.
We have visitors most Sundays. We also have some that may have been here before, but that might not be ready to make a choice until this particular Sunday The Gospel is the most important thing. I never want anyone to come to CBC without hearing what Jesus did for them and giving them a chance to follow Him! That visitor may only grace our doors once in their life; they may not even make the decision here at CBC, but we want them to know that there is a God that loved them enough to die for them.
We aren’t trying to scare anyone into a decision or pressure them into doing something. The Bible says “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” We can show them the Gospel with our lives and actions, but we also have to speak the gospel! So I can’t not talk about the Gospel.
Why? Because one day I was that 8 year old boy in the back that had grown up in church, I had heard the gospel hundreds of times, and my parents even told me that I had prayed a prayer before, But in Feb 1993 after hearing the gospel hundreds of times, it finally clicked. I was ready, and I’m so glad that it is settled forever! I don’t have to pray the sinners prayer every Sunday because it is finished! I’m accepted, I’m adopted, I’m forgiven once and for all! For all eternity! I’m a child of God! And I want every person to ever attend a worship service here to have that chance as well. Becoming a Christian is not something to be taken lightly. See, just because the Gospel is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. Sometimes It’s hard to put our faith in Christ alone and to let go of all else.
Won’t you pray with me that God would continue to draw people to Himself here at CBC? Our God is so gracious to use us.