The Apostles Creed

All Things New

The following is an excerpt provided by The Village Church. Every religious tradition, every culture, every family, and every individual has some concept of hope. Of course, the object of hope can differ quite significantly from person to person, but Learn more

Made for Community

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints. At this point the Apostles’ Creed turns its attention from the nature of God and the gospel to the people who are created as a result Learn more

A Just Savior

The following is an excerpt provided by The Village Church. “Although it hasn’t happened yet, the second coming of Jesus is just as certain as the first coming. The question to ask yourself isn’t whether He will return, because He Learn more

Reality of the Resurrection

The following is an excerpt provided by the Village Church. “The resurrection truly makes the Christian faith unique. Throughout history, many people have died for their beliefs—willingly and even eagerly giving their lives for their faith, refusing to compromise their Learn more
Choosing Obedience

Choosing Obedience

The following is an excerpt provided by the Village Church. In the birth of Jesus, we see God entering our world in a beautiful and unexpected way. An early church theologian named Athanasius described God’s incarnation this way: “He entered Learn more
I Believe

I Believe

This is an excerpt provided by the Village Church. “We live in a culture that is constantly telling people that they can believe whatever they want and live however they want. The only invalid belief in our culture is to Learn more