Sacred Songs

Pity the Fool, Don’t Be the Fool

Pity the Fool, Don’t Be the Fool

The A-Team is a classic TV. It was an action-adventure television series about former members of a U.S. Special Forces unit. The members, after being court-martialed “for a crime they didn’t commit”, escaped from military prison. While still on the Learn more
Thanksgiving Every Day

Thanksgiving Every Day

My mom makes the best stuffing; it’s not even close. Don’t get me wrong, I can eat almost any type of stuffing (except for that kind with oysters in it. That’s just weird). For clarity, dressing is not stuffing. I Learn more
It Is Well

It Is Well

Should we praise God only when we feel like it? What if we are having a bad day, should we still force ourselves to remember how good God is? Stephen Crawford tells us this story: “In October 1871, the Great Learn more
Why A.C.T.S. is Only the Beginning

Why A.C.T.S. is Only the Beginning

Early in my Christian life, I was taught an acronym to guide my prayer life. The acronym is A.C.T.S. “A” stands for adoration. Psalm 145:1 serves as an example: “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise Learn more